☈ BoostCap BCAP0010 2600 farad Specs ☈

Features and specifications: • Long lifetime of several hundred thousand cycles • Fast charging with high currents and very high discharge currents • Resistant against reverse polarity • Ultra-low internal resistance • Environmentally friendly • Low weight and volume • Shock- and vibration-proof BOOSTCAP Ultracapacitor BCAP0010 BCAP0010 BOOSTCAP Ultracapacitors provide extended power availability, allowing critical information and functions to remain available during dips, sags, and outages in the main power source. In addition, it can relieve batteries of burst power functions, thereby reducing costs and maximizing space and energy efficiency. The ultracapacitor features a cylindrical design and an electrostatic storage capability that can cycle hundreds of thousands of charges and discharges without performance degradation. With a capacitance of 2600 farads at 2.5 volts, and in a cylindrical 60 x 172 mm package, Maxwell's BCAP0010 ultracapacitor is ideal for au...